Tag Archives: workmen

A Monday walk.

This post is specially for my dear friend Meg on her birthday.

I left my apartment and struggled along the ankle-turning road works. The workmen had to make a dirt bridge for me across pipes they were laying. I thought I'd left pipelaying behind me with the Tuross Bridge.


The road to the lake ...
... under construction!
And then the lake. Snow capped mountains, wooden boats, an island and a church, snow capped mountains, ducks, green water, flowers growing in the grass and the rock walls, snow capped mountains, a castle, dappled light, and then workmen again, this time with a large blue parasol. There was also the sound of waves lapping, oars dipping, wind rushing, people talking across water, ducks uttering their ducky croaks, chain saws, feet crunching, and a subliminal continuo of gasps as I realised that 70 had brought me here to this beautiful place (along with bus loads of Chinese tourists, hearty cyclists, and picnicking couples.)


OH&S, Slovenian style